New Member Connection

Welcome Members of New Shiloh! This page will provide you with more information about New Shiloh. You may also connect to a ministry of New Shiloh by clicking on "Connect To A Ministry". We are so happy that you have decided to join New Shiloh. If you have question please feel contact us. Peace and Blessings.

Our Senior Pastor

Bishop Dr. James Washington has been Senior Pastor of New Shiloh since August 1990. Click here for more information about our Senior Pastor. Our First Lady is Rev. Dr. Ruby J. Washington. Click here for more information about the First Lady of New Shiloh.

What We Believe

The Baptist denomination, like other denominations, is a Christian Community united together as a body upon the basis of commonly shared religious perspectives, principles, interests and practices. As a Protestant denomination, the Baptist denomination was formed as a significant group that broke away from the English Church in the seventeenth century in revolt to the government's intrusion in religious affairs. As a result, the Baptist established and continues to maintain "Religious Liberty" as a cornerstone and a fundamental element of its denomination's religious principles.

Religious liberty refers to the rejection by Baptists and many other Protestants, of government or civil authority that is imposed, exercised, or exerted over a person's religious opinions, right to worship or the church's right to govern himself as a religious body.

In addition to its position on the issue of "Church and State," the Baptist also agree in their religious perspectives concerning certain teachings (doctrines) and religious practices which are based upon their understanding of scripture. The doctrines and religious practices which are distinctions of Baptist from other denominations include: (All based on New Testament understanding and perspective). Click here for more information about what we believe.

Apostles Creed


 I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth:  And in Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, our Lord: Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary:  Suffered under Pontius Pilate; was crucified, dead and buried: He descended into hell: The third day he rose again from the dead:  He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty:  From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead:  I believe in the Holy Ghost: I believe in the Holy Christian Church: the communion of saints: The forgiveness of sins: The resurrection of the body:  And the life everlasting. Amen.

Our Our Ministries

A complete family Ministry awaits you at New Shiloh. Listed below you will find all of Ministries and they are available to you and your family. Click here to find out more information about our Ministries.

Connect to A Ministry

After you have reviewed the ministries at New Shiloh, we believe that connecting to a ministry will assist in your Christian Walk. Click here to connect to a ministry.

Church Membership Responsibilities

The church member has sacred responsibilities. When a person becomes a member of God’s family, it is his/her privilege and duty to play his/her part in forwarding and helping the cause of Jesus Christ. God has a plan for the world, and the church member, as a Christian, should fit into this plan.

Shiloh Church History

Shiloh Baptist Church of Atlantic City, NJ was organized in March 8th of 1898. This Church traces its origin to a few Christian men and women, in good and regular standard, who were granted letters of demission, from Second Baptist Church of Atlantic City, NJ, on February 21st 1898. It was these pioneers who formed an Independent Baptist Church, now known as the Shiloh Baptist Church. Our records indicate the founders were: Moses. Johnson, Henry Smith, Joseph Brown, Booker Harris. W.R. Jackson, Matilda Murray and Anna Robinson.

The original church located on Ohio & Arctic Avenues, was purchased for $9,000.00. The inside and outside was renovated in 1954. Since then many repairs were made to Shiloh, especially during 1990 to 2000. However, due to years of use the building became structurally unsafe. Senior Pastor, Bishop Dr. James Washington informed the membership that for safety reasons they would have to leave the building until the structural damages could be repaired. The Shiloh membership held their worship service in the All Wars Memorial Soldiers Home until the repairs could be made. However, God had another plan. Under the leadership and vision of our great Senior Pastor, Shiloh purchased land at 701 Atlantic Ave, Atlantic City, NJ, for the purpose of building a New Church and Community Life Center. A Groundbreaking Ceremony was held on May 16, 2002. The construction was completed and paid in full in December 2003. The Dedication Service was December 28, 2003. To God Be the Glory for the Great Things he has done.
